Second quarter wrap up

Things at FOTCF head quarters have been very busy, we have spent our time analysing the results from our events and reconciling our fundraising dollars. In total through the hard work of our committee members, our sponsors, volunteers we have been able to raise a total of: 22,137.00 to our preferred charities.

In order to remain transparent, a breakdown of the way we raised funds has been provided below:

Dinner Dance Ticket Sales: $6,558.00
Dinner Dance Donations: $8,840.00
Collection through Auction items: $1,860.00
Raffle ticket sale: $735.00
Walk for Monash Children Collection: $4,143.95

We have now donated $12,394.00 to Monash Children’s Hospital and $16,703.80 to the Royal Children’s Hospital.

So what’s next?

We are now in the process of determining our fundraising ideas for the rest of 2013 and beyond. If you have any suggestions or would like to be involved in helping FOTCF reach its goals, please feel free to contact us.



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